• How to Use Bitwarden to AutoFill Complex Login Forms like American Airlines

    How to Use Bitwarden to AutoFill Complex Login Forms like American Airlines

    This took me way too long to figure out. Bitwarden is amazing once it’s properly configured, but every once in a while there is a pesky site that doesn’t autofill all the fields you need to login. I finally today discovered a hidden feature to reliably add custom fields from any site to autofill with…

  • Self-Healing Concrete: The Future of Construction?

    Self-Healing Concrete: The Future of Construction?

    Ready for a 2-minute primer on a revolutionary technology? Let’s learn about self-healing concrete. What is Self-Healing Concrete?  Self-healing concrete is a type of concrete that can fix its own cracks. Special bacteria or healing agents are mixed into the concrete and they react with water and air to heal cracks when they form. This…

  • Solar Power 2.0: Perovskite and Bifacial Solar Cells

    Solar Power 2.0: Perovskite and Bifacial Solar Cells

    Ready to learn about a ground-breaking new technology in 2-minutes? Let’s focus on the two innovations in solar technology that will make a big impact in the next decade. Perovskite Solar Cells Bifacial Solar Panels Companies to watch

  • 2-Min Tech Brief: The Solid-State Battery Revolution

    2-Min Tech Brief: The Solid-State Battery Revolution

    Ready to learn about a ground-breaking new technology in 2-minutes? Imagine a world where your smartphone battery lasts for days, and your electric car charges in minutes and travels over 1,000 miles on a single charge. This is the promise of solid-state batteries, a game-changing technology that could transform the way we power our devices…

  • What is a Large Language Model (LLM)

    What is a Large Language Model (LLM)

    Imagine a vast library filled with millions of books on every conceivable topic. Now, picture a super-intelligent librarian who has read and memorized every single word in those books. This librarian can answer any question you ask, translate languages, write creative content, and even summarize complex topics – all based on the knowledge absorbed from…

  • LLM Fusion: Your $60 Research Supercomputer

    LLM Fusion: Your $60 Research Supercomputer

    In my quest for reliable and comprehensive research on various topics, I developed the $60 LLM Fusion method. This approach harnesses the collective intelligence of the three state-of-the-art language models. For an example of how I used the LLM Fusion method, see teaching a 4-year-old girl to read with LLMs using the S-T-A-M-P method. Here…